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Item Details:

Gold Fiber Bracelet

✤ Earth Defense: 50

Combat Lv. Min: 95

Strength Min: 75

Main Attack Damage12%
✤ Earth Damage11%

Legendary Bracelet


This rough looking bracelet utilizes electromagic to expose its wearer to earth's heartbeat. You can feel a rhythm with each step...


Name: Gold Fiber Bracelet
Tier: Legendary
Macrocategory: Items
Category: Accessory, Bracelet
Restrictions: Untradable
Pre-Identified: True
Material: Bracelet Earth Tier 2
Drop Type: Legendary Island
Lore: This rough looking bracelet utilizes electromagic to expose its wearer to earth's heartbeat. You can feel a rhythm with each step...

How to obtain this item?

  • Legendary Island:

    This item can be bought at Legendary Island.

    1. Merchant name: Gold Rewards Merchant


      • 6x Gold Tokens
      • 1x Silver Fiber Bracelet

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Identification Details:

This item can't be identified.