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Item Details:

Infused Hive Relik

Fast Attack Speed

✤ Neutral Damage: 260-290

Class Req: Shaman/Skyseer

Combat Lv. Min: 100

Quest Req: The Qira Hive

Mana Regen1/5s
Mana Steal1/3s
✤ Earth Damage20%
✦ Thunder Damage20%
❉ Water Damage20%
✹ Fire Damage20%
❋ Air Damage20%

[0/5] Powder Slots

Legendary Relik


Deceptively plain-looking, this relik has been infused with energy from all five known elements. The head gleams in a spectrum of colors.


Name: Infused Hive Relik
Tier: Legendary
Macrocategory: Items
Category: Weapon, Relik
Restrictions: Untradable
Pre-Identified: True
Material: Relik Generic Tier 3
Drop Type: Hive
Lore: Deceptively plain-looking, this relik has been infused with energy from all five known elements. The head gleams in a spectrum of colors.

How to obtain this item?

  • Hive:

    This item can be bought at Hive Shop.

    1. Merchant name: Hive Master Division

      Price: 1x Master Voucher

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Identification Details:

This item can't be identified.